
These government of Canada jobs for students with CSIS are hiring and pay up to $30 an hour

There are a bunch of government of Canada jobs available for students with the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS).

Positions pay up to $30 an hour for college, CEGEP and university students.

The federal intelligence agency is hiring students to work during Summer 2026, from May to August.

Work terms can be four, eight, 12 or 16 months with these CSIS jobs.

There are positions in IT, finance, communications, HR, engineering, foreign languages, and more departments.

To apply, you need to be a Canadian citizen and registered as a full-time post-secondary student at an accredited academic institution in Canada.

All of the positions are available in Ottawa but some are also available in Toronto, Montreal, Burnaby and Edmonton.

The CSIS student salary for college, CEGEP and undergraduate students, the pay is $22.52, $25, $27.66 or $29.94 an hour depending on your work term.

For graduate students, the pay is $25.75, $26.43, $28.25 or $30.45 an hour depending on work terms.

These are all of the student jobs that CSIS is hiring for right now:

You can apply for these government of Canada student jobs until February 14, 2025.

Love this? Check out our Narcity noticeboard for details on jobs, benefits, travel info and more!


Source: ​Narcity – Read More

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