
The average salary in each province & territory was revealed and the gap is massive

The average salaries across Canada have been revealed, and depending on where you live, your paycheque could be nearly double — or half — what folks in another part of the country are making.

Statistics Canada’s latest salary data was released Thursday, and it shows some serious differences in earnings across the provinces and territories.

With the cost of living still a major concern for Canadians, keeping an eye on salary trends can help you determine where you stand — both within your province and the whole country.

Housing, groceries and everyday expenses aren’t getting any cheaper, so knowing how your province compares could be a game-changer — whether you’re staying put or thinking about moving across Canada for better pay.

According to Statistics Canada, the national average weekly earnings hit $1,285.91 in November 2024 (the latest month data is available). That works out to about $66,867 per year, marking a 5.0% year-over-year increase.

But not every province and territory is seeing the same growth, and the gap between the highest and lowest earners is pretty eye-opening — and growing.

So, who’s taking home the biggest paycheques? Here’s a breakdown of average weekly wages (and their yearly equivalent) across Canada.

Above-average salaries in Canada:

  1. Northwest Territories – $1,988.54 ($103,404/year)
  2. Nunavut – $1,763.69 ($91,712/year)
  3. Yukon – $1,471.77 ($76,532/year)
  4. Alberta – $1,344.47 ($69,912/year)
  5. Ontario – $1,329.43 ($69,130/year)
  6. British Columbia – $1,290.38 ($67,100/year)

Below-average salaries in Canada:

  1. Newfoundland and Labrador – $1,273.60 ($66,227/year)
  2. Saskatchewan – $1,232.50 ($64,090/year)
  3. Quebec – $1,229.18 ($63,917/year)
  4. New Brunswick – $1,162.33 ($60,441/year)
  5. Manitoba – $1,151.58 ($59,882/year)
  6. Nova Scotia – $1,151.32 ($59,869/year)
  7. Prince Edward Island – $1,093.98 ($56,887/year)

All three territories dominate the top spots with the highest earnings, reflecting the challenges of remote living and the increased cost of essentials.

The Northwest Territories leads the country, with average weekly earnings of nearly $2,000 — a massive 14.8% jump from the previous month and 26.8% increase year-over-year. This marks the first time a province or territory’s average weekly earnings equate to six figures a year.

Meanwhile, Alberta and Ontario continue to hold strong, with both provinces well above the national average. Alberta, in particular, remains a high-paying province — despite having the lowest minimum wage in the country — thanks to its thriving oil and gas industry.

On the lower end, Prince Edward Island has the lowest average salary in Canada, with weekly earnings of $1,093.98 — nearly half of the Northwest Territories average. But on the bright side, P.E.I. also saw one of the biggest year-over-year pay increases at 6.5%, suggesting that wages could at least be moving in the right direction.

How much have salaries grown?

While wages are rising, they’re still playing catch-up. Nationally, average weekly earnings increased by 5.0% in November, slightly outpacing the 1.9% inflation rate over the same period. But after years of soaring costs, this increase is more about recovering lost ground than creating any real financial relief.

The biggest year-over-year salary jumps were seen in the Northwest Territories, followed by Nunavut (7.9%) and Ontario (7.1%). On the other end, Manitoba had the smallest increase at just 1.0%, meaning many workers there may still feel like their earnings aren’t keeping up.

Even though wage growth is mostly outpacing inflation for now, costs for essentials like housing and groceries remain significantly higher than they were just a couple of years ago. So while the numbers may look positive on paper, the reality for most Canadians is that their paycheques still aren’t going as far as they used to.

What does this mean for Canadians?

While higher salaries sound great, they don’t tell the whole story.
A bigger paycheque doesn’t always mean a better quality of life, especially in provinces where high wages are offset by skyrocketing housing costs.

For example,
Canada’s three territories offer the highest average salaries in the country — but they’re also home to some of Canada’s most expensive groceries and other living costs, making it tough for workers to get ahead. Meanwhile, places like New Brunswick and Nova Scotia may have lower earnings, but the lower cost of living helps even things out.

At the end of the day, it’s not just about how much you make — it’s about how far your paycheque goes. And as salaries shift across the country, where you live could make all the difference.

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Source: ​Narcity – Read More

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